
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Best Experience

Throughout my internship, I had many experiences that helped me increase my personal capacity as a leader.  Of all the activities I took part in, the most challenging and rewarding was serving as the PTO Liaison.  This activity covered a multitude of competencies.  It helped me learn to establish a vision and communicate that with stakeholders.  Learning to communicate is key to a successful leader and serving as the PTO Liaison certainly gave me practice in developing my communication skills in various settings and with various school groups.  It also helped me learn more about budgeting and the legalities one must abide by in order to stay financially sound.  Just today, the PTO officers, my principal and I met with the district representative in charge of booster clubs and together we all learned so much more about how a PTO should function.  This was a great experience because it gave us all insight as to possible changes that need to be made that so we can improve our all ready amazing PTO!