I found myself in a very “interesting” predicament this month when I found myself propelled in time and went from the 3rd class in the Lamar course schedule to the seventh! This happened because I am a returning student so I had taken some classes before. By now I was supposed to be well on my way to implementing my action research project but that certainly was not the case.
This class forced me to get my literature review done. I got busy and found my research which took my project on a slight different direction than I had anticipated. Since this class asked me to do a draft of my paper and has me looking at different components like how did I motivate others, get the community evolved in the project and manage my resources, it has made me think about things I had not even considered. In some aspect I feel very lost like how I’m going to do the above mentioned? Maybe things will get better once I actually get started which has been postponed until January.
At first I must admit, I was a little discouraged about this but it gives me more time to plan how I will coordinate the video recordings and have enough cameras to do that. I’m hoping that having a husband who was in the film industry at one point will come in handy soon. I knew investing in all that camera equipment would come in handy someday! Plus, I will also have time to create the rubrics I will be using as part of my observation analysis part and will now have time to collaborate with the people involved to make changes to them before getting started.
I also wanted to share this AMAZING link I found when I was researching. To my colleagues that are doing their study about math (especially if it is for elementary and middle school grades) you can’t leave home without this one! It is from the Institute of Education Sciences National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance. The link is as follows: http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/publications/practiceguides/.
Time to press on…